CSci 115: Computing and the Internet
Home Syllabus Assignments Tests

The Internet and society

You should select a topic relating to the impact of the Internet on society. You will research the subject, including what journalists and researchers have written, and you will prepare a presentation of 10 to 15 minutes summarizing your research (with up to an additional 5 minutes for questions).

The subject for your presentation is fairly free; it might relate to political issues surrounding the Internet, sociological effects of communicating on the Internet, or an economic impact of the Internet. There are many possibilities for a topic. Below are just a few broad categories of possibilities, as ideas of possible starting points; the list is far from complete, and most are far too broad for a short presentation.

Privacy of data Piracy Influences of networked gaming
Taxation of Internet sales Anonymous forum behavior Plagiarism and the Internet
Access in developing world Effect on political campaigns Influence on off-shore outsourcing

In my experience, the choice of subject is essential to having a good presentation. There are two major characteristics you should be looking for (beyond meeting the thematic requirement).

The timeline for this project is as follows.


The overall presentation is worth 150 points. The point breakdown is as follows.

20 pts Topic selection: By September 18, you have prepared two viable project ideas, and you have shown evidence of doing preliminary work on them.
40 pts Bibliography: By September 27, you submit a well-edited document including the title, abstract, and annotated bibliography. Your bibliography includes at least three sources, and the annotations are helpful in discerning the quality and usefulness of each reference.
20 pts Research: Your bibliography and presentation demonstrate a thorough study of the subject matter. You include information from your sources, with citation, during the presentation. Your answers to questions demonstrate a depth of knowledge beyond what you can fit into the presentation.
30 pts Presentation style: You show good evidence of having prepared your presentation. Your demeanor demonstrates a genuine effort to communicate with the audience (rather than reciting from memory). Visual aids, if any, are readable from the back of the room and contribute to getting the point across.
30 pts Presentation substance: Your presentation demonstrates a well-defined structure. You incorporate a broad variety of information into the presentation. The presentation is clearly deeper than a person might glean from reading the news.
10 pts Questions: You participate in other students' presentations by asking questions.

The material presented in other students' presentations is part of this course. The material covered by student presentations is thus testable, and questions about the presentations will appear on Quiz 2.