CSci 115: Computing and the Internet
Home Syllabus Assignments Tests

Web project

You should develop a Web site on a topic of your choice, meeting the following constraints.

The design of your Web site counts. It should be both visually appealing and easily usable. If you want to do something but aren't sure about how to do it, feel free to ask me questions. Castro's book, HTML, XHTML & CSS, will of course be useful as a reference, too.

The timeline for this project is as follows.


The overall project is worth 150 points. The point breakdown is as follows.

10 pts Topic: You arrive at my office on time to discuss your topic, and you are well-prepared with two well-considered concepts.
20 pts Database design: Your typed description of the database, submitted by October 30, is well-written and demonstrates good database design techniques.
35 pts PHP and SQL: The PHP and SQL embedded in your Web pages should be well-written. It should display appropriate error messages when a user gives invalid inputs.
20 pts HTML mastery: Your Web site uses a variety of HTML elements, configured according to XHTML standards. The HTML source code should be as easy to read as could be expected given the complexity of your page. I encourage use of CSS for your visual design.
20 pts Web site design: Your site should demonstrate some attention to visual appeal and more importantly to being usable.
20 pts Writing: All English text on your Web site should be well-composed and should be written with the intention of reaching out to your target audience.
25 pts Demonstration: You show clear evidence of having thought beforehand about what you wish to demonstrate from your Web site. Your demeanor is one of trying to communicate with your audience. The demonstration appears professional and well-polished.