CSci 150: Foundations of computer science
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Game playing

Minimax search

def evaluate_board(cur_boarddepth):
    result = cur_board.get_result()
    if result != GAME_ON:
        if result == TIE_GAME:       return 0
        elif result == CURRENT_WINSreturn 1000
        else:                        return -1000
    elif depth == 0:
        return cur_board.get_heuristic()
        best = -1001
        for move in cur_board.get_move_options():
            next_board = cur_board.copy()
            result = -evaluate_board(next_boarddepth - 1)
            if result > best:
                best = result
        return best

Alpha-beta search

def evaluate_board(cur_boarddepthalphabeta):
    result = cur_board.get_result()
    if result != GAME_ON:
        if result == TIE_GAME:       return 0
        elif result == CURRENT_WINSreturn 1000
        else:                        return -1000
    elif depth == 0:
        return cur_board.get_heuristic()
        for move in cur_board.get_move_options():
            next_board = cur_board.copy()
            result = -evaluate_board(next_boarddepth - 1, -beta, -alpha)
            if result > alpha:
                alpha = result
                if beta <= alpha:
        return alpha

Time comparisons

(Numbers represent the average number of nodes searched over the first three moves of the Oware rules of Mancala, where the computer plays second.)

Algorithm Depth 6 Depth 8 Depth 10
Minimax search 24,000 307,000 16,614,000
Alpha-beta search 2,000 18,500 140,000

(There's no real reason to restrict ourselves to even depths: They're just the numbers I used to depict performance here.)

With a depth of 8, minimax search takes about 16 times as long. On my computer, this is the difference between taking 13 seconds versus less than 1 second — without any degradation in move quality, since they both search to the same depth. At a depth of 10, alpha-beta took about 7 seconds, whereas minimax took 6.5 minutes to arrive at the same result.