CSci 150: Foundations of computer science
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String formatting

We've seen that strings support several methods.

count lower rstrip strip
join lstrip split upper

Today we'll examine another method for strings, named format. This method is particularly complex, but it is very useful.

First, a bit of review. Recall that we saw the below code at left that displays the multiplication table listed at right.

for m in range(15):
    line = ''
    for n in range(15):
        line = line + ' ' + str(m * n)
   1 2 3 4
2 4 6 8
3 5 9 12
4 8 12 16

The output is rather ugly, however: You'd expect the final column — the final 4 in the first row, the 8 in the second, the 12 in the third, and the 16 in the fourth — to line up neatly, but instead the column veers rightward. This is a case where format is particularly useful: formatting output for display in a table.

The format method is for creating a string. It works starting from a string that provides a “template” for a string that is produced. Let's start from an example.

template = 'square of {0:3d} is {1:6d}'
result = template.format(55 ** 2)

As you can see, the format method takes some arguments (5 and 5² in this example); the method's job is to create a string based on the template that incorporates these arguments. In the resulting string, the template is reproduced character-for-character, except that any set of braces leads to including an argument in place of that braced group. In this example, the template contains the string “{0:3d}”. In between the braces are two portions separated by a colon.

When format reaches “{1:6d}”, it will place argument 1, which is 25, into six characters of the result — i.e., “    25”. Overall, then, the value of result is the string “square of   5 is     25”.

Now let's go back to our multiplication table. In this case, we want each product to be written across two characters so that the columns line up neatly. We can do this using “{0:2d}” as our template, as in “'{0:2d}'.format(m * n)”. The following illustrates the complete program, along with the resulting display.

for m in range(15):
    line = ''
    for n in range(15):
        line = line + ' ' + '{0:2d}'.format(m * n)
    1  2  3  4
 2  4  6  8
 3  5  9 12
 4  8 12 16

That second assignment statement is a bit long; you might instead prefer a shorter version:

line = '{0} {1:2d}'.format(linem * n)

Notice that in this case we have a formatting specifier “{0}”, which doesn't have a colon as before. The 0 identifies which argument to paste in its place — the value of line in this case, which is incorporated into the result without any attempt at formatting.

The format method accepts a very broad variety of formatting specifiers, pretty much working in anything that you might imagine — things like inserting thousands separators (as in 1,024), including a positive/negative sign always, and changing the justification (so numbers are left-justified rather than the default of right-justified). Few people bother to remember all the options. But here are four of the most valuable, which are worth remembering, using capital letters to denote variables.

The following little program illustrates the two new types.

words = ['banana''apple''watermelon']
for w in words:
    print('{0:10s} {1:2d} {2:6.3f}'.format(wlen(w), len(w) ** 0.5)

The output of this program:

banana      6  2.449
apple       5  2.236
watermelon 10  3.162

As you can see, each word w is displayed left-justified across 10 characters, followed by space and two characters devoted to w's length, followed by a space and six characters devoted to the square root of that length. The first column is left-justified while the others are right-justified, since format automatically left-justifies strings across their required lengths but right-justifies numbers. The last column has three digits to the right of each decimal point, as the formatting template indicates.