Setting up the Mush project

[Assignment description]

  1. Start Eclipse and create a new, empty Java project.

  2. You will need to configure your project to use SQLiteJDBC. On the laboratory computers, you would go through the following steps.

    1. Select your project on the left side of Eclipse's main window (in the Package pane), then go to the Project menu and select Properties. The project properties window show appear.
    2. In the project properties window, select Java Build Path from the window's left-hand side, then select the Libraries tab, and click Add External JARs…. A file dialog should pop up.
    3. In the file dialog, click on File System on the dialog's left side, and navigate into export/shared/lib. Select sqlitejdbc-v056.jar and click OK.
    4. Click OK to close the project properties window.

    Outside the laboratory, you'd first need to download SQLiteJDBC from the SQLite JDBC home page. You'd go through the same steps as above, except you'd need to navigate to wherever you stored the SQLiteJDBC JAR file.

  3. Download [download link] by right-clicking the link and selecting Save Link As…. Save the file in your eclipse-work/project-name/src directory.

  4. Now extract the ZIP file into your src directory. In the laboratory, you could do this using the following two commands.

    linux% cd workspace/project-name/src
    linux% unzip
  5. Back in Eclipse, select your project on the left side of Eclipse's main window (in the Package pane), then go to the File menu and select Refresh. The mush package should appear under src.

[Assignment description]