
A very common case is that we have a data structure and want to generate some HTML from it. This happens often enough that it's worth having a shortcut for generating HTML, called a “template.” As an example of this, we'll examine the Dust templating system (found at https://github.com/linkedin/dustjs).


We already looked at how one can write JavaScript code using jQuery to implement simple forum. That example included the following function that creates HTML from some JSON received from the server:

function showPosts(jsonData) {
    var oldposts = $('#oldposts');
    if (jsonData.ok) {
        $.each(jsonData.postsfunction (indexpost) {
            var newElt = $('<div>');
            // SECURITY HOLE: Don't post raw HTML from user!
            newElt.html('<b>User:</b> ' + post.name + '<br />\n'
                + '<div>' + post.message + '</div>');
    } else {

(Recall that jsonData is an object with a field named ok that is true or false. A value of true indicates that the request was successful, in which case jsonData also has a field named posts that is an array of objects, each itself having a name and a message. But if ok is false, that indicates that the request was unsuccessful, in which case jsonData also has a field named message describing what went wrong.)

Admittedly, this doesn't look too bad, but that's because the example was intentionally trimmed down to its minimum, with bare-bones HTML. But it's a tedious part of Web programming, and programmers have found that templating is much more convenient: We build a template that is basically HTML but with some “blanks” where variables should go, and we refer the JavaScript to that template instead.

There are a wide variety of templating options out there, but we'll use Dust, which is one of the more prominent solutions among those that work on the browser. Here's a Dust template for our problem.

   <b>User:</b> {name}<br>

Notice how this includes several pieces enclosed by braces: These are Dust-specific commands.

Once we've created this template, Dust “compiles” it into a named slice of JavaScript; we'll suppose we call our template here “postlist”, and we'll suppose we've saved this JavaScript into a file named my-template.js. Our HTML file will need to load a Dust library along with this generated JavaScript file from the server:

<script src="dust-core.js"></script>
<script src="my-template.js"></script>

Once that is done, we can use the template in showPosts:

function showPosts(jsonData) {
    dust.render('postlist'jsonDatafunction(errout) {
        if (errconsole.log(err);
        $('#oldposts').html(out || 'Error');

The first parameter to dust.render is the Dust template's name; the second is the “context” it should use for finding any variables references in the template, and the last is a callback function that is handed the HTML generated by the template in the second parameter, out.

Browser-side vs server-side

With Dust, the usage of the template occurs in the browser: the server sends us raw data in JSON format, and the browser itself applies the template to get the resulting HTML. (This is complicated somewhat by the fact that Dust templates are actually “compiled” into JavaScript. That allows Dust to have greater performance than if it tried to interpret the template directly.)

Whereas Dust uses this browser-side templating, other systems use server-side templating. In them, the server applies the template before sending anything to the browser. Consequently, the server doesn't send the raw JSON data — it sends the HTML, which the browser will simply paste into its tree.

Naturally, there are advantages and disadvantages of each. Personally, I think the advantages to browser-side templating are more obvious:

Still, there are some advantages to server-side templating.

Even though I have a longer list of advantages to server-side templating, in general I would lean toward browser-side templating: It's nice to have all HTML responsibilities delegated to the browser-side code. Still, there are certainly cases where server-side templating makes more sense.