Test 1: Questions


[12 pts] List all possible outputs for the below program, and explain how each could occur.

public class ThreadExample extends Thread {
    private int x = 0;
    private int y = 1;
    private int z = 2;

    public void run() {
        y = 4;
        x += z;

    public void doMain() {
        z = 8;
        x += y;

    public static void main(String[] argsthrows InterruptedException {
        ThreadExample sub = new ThreadExample();
        sub.start();   // kick off 'run'
        sub.doMain();  // simultaneously do 'doMain'
        sub.join();    // 'doMain' is complete; wait for 'run' to complete

[6 pts] Define the term race condition as it applies to multithreaded applications.


[16 pts] “Event listeners” are a particularly common pattern found in object-oriented programming. The below interface and class set up a simple example, which features an integer value wrapped in the MonitoredInteger class, where other objects can listen for changes to the wrapped integer through implementing the MonitoredListener interface and registering it with the MonitoredInteger.

public interface MonitoredListener {
    public void valueChanged(MonitoredInteger sourceint oldValint newVal);
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class MonitoredInteger {
    private int value = 0;
    private ArrayList<MonitoredListenerlisteners = new ArrayList<MonitoredListener>();
    private Object listenersLock = new Object();

    public void addListener(MonitoredListener listener) {
        synchronized (listenersLock) {

    public void set(int newValue) {
        synchronized (listenersLock) {
            int oldValue = value;
            value = newValue;
            for (MonitoredListener listener : listeners) {

The programmer has carefully wrapped accesses to the listeners array, so that a call to addListener by one thread won't interfere with the iteration through listeners by another thread calling set. Unfortunately, this simple implementation can lead to deadlock if a class's valueChanged method requests a different lock that might already be held by another thread that wants listenersLock.

a. Without using locks on anything but myLock, complete the below class so that it can lead to deadlock when one thread calls runA at virtually the same time that another thread calls runB.

public class MyClass implements MonitoredListener {
    private MonitoredInteger myInt = new MonitoredInteger();
    private Object myLock = new Object();

    public MyClass() {

    public void runA() { // called by thread A


    public void runB() { // called by thread B


    public void valueChanged(MonitoredInteger sourceint oldValint newVal) {


b. Explain how your above example class could lead to deadlock.

c. Show how to repair MonitoredInteger's use of listenersLock so that this deadlock would not occur. (One way to repair it is to use a ConcurrentLinkedQueue in place of ArrayList, but your answer should preserve the ArrayList and simply be smarter about lock acquisition.)


[14 pts] Using wait and notifyAll, and without any busy-waiting, complete the requestStep and run method below so that any thread's call to requestStep will lead to run (being executed continuously by a different thread) entering doStep; requestStep should return without waiting for doStep to start.

public class Stepper implements Runnable {

    public void requestStep() {


    public void run() {
        while (true) {
            // wait for next step request

            // next step request received - do it

    private void doStep() {
        // complex computation here - details unimportant to the problem

[10 pts] A baboon troop has only one food source, which is reached from atop a precarious ladder that can support only one baboon at a time. Describe an algorithm for the baboons to decide who should get to use the ladder next when multiple baboons are hungry. Explain how your algorithm avoids starvation.


[12 pts] Java's built-in Semaphore class implements semaphores, including a constructor taking an int parameter giving the initial value, a no-argument acquire method equivalent to the DOWN operation, and a no-argument release method equivalent to the UP operation.

Using no other concurrency tools except the Semaphore class, complete the following Monitor class so that any thread calling await will stall in the method until some other thread calls signal. Note that if multiple threads are stuck in await, then all should awaken when another thread calls signal.

public class Monitor {

    public void await() {


    public void signal() {


[12 pts]

a. Explain a reason why user-level threads can potentially display better performance than kernel-level threads.

b. Explain a reason why kernel-level threads can potentially display better performance than user-level threads.


[10 pts] We have four jobs arriving on the following schedule. (All units are in hours.)


a. List the FIFO schedule for these jobs.

b. List the SJF schedule for these jobs.


[8 pts] In a system where some processes are I/O-bound while others are compute-bound, how can we improve our scheduling over a simple Round Robin approach to improve the overall system performance?

Test 1: Solutions


In fact, I executed this program 10,000 times and got the following outputs:

output# runs

To understand these, observe that run and doMain will compile to essentially four instructions each.

1.store 4 at y 1.store 8 at z
2.load x into R0 2.load x into R0
3.load z into R1 3.load y into R1
4.add R1 into R0 4.add R1 into R0
5.store R0 at x 5.store R0 at x
  • To get 9: Do all of doMain, which adds 1 to x, then do all of run, which adds 8 more to x.

  • To get 6: Do all of run, which adds 2 to x, then do all of doMain, which adds 4 more to x.

  • To get 8: Do steps 1 to 3 of doMain so R0 and R1 hold 0 and 1; then do steps 1 to 3 of run so R0 and R1 hold 0 and 8; then complete doMain, storing 1 into x; then complete run, storing 8 into x.

  • To get 12: Do step 1 of run and of doMain; then complete run, adding 8 to x; then complete doMain, adding 4 more to x.

  • To get 4: Do steps 1 to 3 of run so R0 and R1 hold 0 and 2; then do steps 1 to 3 of doMain so R0 and R1 hold 0 and 4; then complete doMain, storing 2 into x; then complete run, storing 4 into x.

There are three less obvious outputs that are possible, though they did not happen to occur on the testing computer.

  • To get 1: Do steps 1 to 3 of run so R0 and R1 hold 0 and 1, but run's write to y is not seen by doMain, either because that thread is working from another cache with an old y value, or because the compiler decides to reorder instructions so that the store to y comes last (since nothing in the program says that the compiler is required to store to y before going on). Then do steps 1 to 3 of doMain so R0 and R1 hold 0 and 2; then complete run, storing 1 into x; then complete doMain, storing 2 into x.

  • To get 2: Do steps 1 to 3 of doMain so R0 and R1 hold 0 and 1, but doMain's write to z is not seen by run, either because that thread is working from another cache with an old z value, or because the compiler decides to reorder instructions so that the store to z comes last (since nothing in the program says that the compiler is required to store to z before going on). Then do steps 1 to 3 of run so R0 and R1 hold 0 and 2; then complete doMain, storing 1 into x; then complete run, storing 2 into x.

  • To get 3: Suppose the compiler reorders instructions in run so that they are 3–2–4–5–1. (Nothing in the program requires the compiler to store to y first, and similarly the compiler can decide to load z before it loads x.) Start with step 3 run so R1 hold 2; then complete doMain, adding 1 into x; then complete run, adding 2 into x.


A race occurs when the behavior of a program depends on the scheduling of concurrently running processes or threads.



public class MyClass implements MonitoredListener {
    private MonitoredInteger myInt = new MonitoredInteger();
    private Object myLock = new Object();

    public MyClass() {

    public void runA() { // called by thread A

    public void runB() { // called by thread B
        synchronized (myLock) {
            System.out.println("changing to 5");

    public void valueChanged(MonitoredInteger sourceint oldValint newVal) {
        synchronized (myLock) {
            System.out.println("changed to " + newValue);

b. A thread enters runA, which enters set and acquires listenersLock before a context switch to another thread who enters runB and acquires myLock and then enters set. The runB thread cannot proceed through set, since listenersLock is unavailable, so we proceed back to the runA thread, which calls valueChanged and thus requests myLock, which is held by the runB thread and so the runA thread must stall as well.

c. We can solve the problem by modifying set so that it creates a copy of the listeners array while in the synchronized block, and then it iterates through the copy for notifications outside the synchronized block.

    public void set(int newValue) {
        int oldValue;
        synchronized (listenersLock) {
            oldValue = value;
            value = newValue;
            listenersCopy = new ArrayList<MonitoredListener>(listeners);
        for (MonitoredListener listener : listenersCopy) {
public class Stepper implements Runnable {
    private boolean requested = false;            // ADDED
    private Object requestedLock = new Object();  // ADDED

    public void requestStep() {
        synchronized (requestedLock) {            // ADDED start
            requested = true;
        }                                         // ADDED end

    public void run() {
        while (true) {
            // wait for next step request
            synchronized (requestedLock) {        // ADDED start
                while (!requested) {
                    try { requestedLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { }
                requested = false;
            }                                     // ADDED end

            // next step request received - do it

    private void doStep() {
        // complex computation here - details unimportant to the problem

Whichever baboon has been waiting the longest to use the ladder should be the next to get it. As long as each baboon who goes up the ladder eventually comes down, this will ensure that any baboon will eventually get to use the ladder: For any hungry baboon X, there will be some particular number of baboons who started waiting for the ladder before X; once all those have used the ladder, X will get to use it.

public class Monitor {
    private int numWaiting = 0;
    private Semaphore numWaitingLock = new Semaphore(1);
    private Semaphore waitingSemaphore = new Semaphore(0);

    public void await() {

    public void signal() {
        for (int i = 0i < numWaitingi++) {
        numWaiting = 0;

a. A context switch between user-level threads does not require switching the CPU into kernel mode, but a context switch between kernel-level threads incurs this an expensive operation.

b. On a multicore or multiprocessor system, a kernel can schedule kernel-level threads simultaneously on different cores/processors; a user-level library does not have the opportunity to perform such scheduling. An alternative answer: With user-level threads, the OS may block the process (and hence all user-level threads) while responding to an I/O request from a thread, whereas the OS can still allow one kernel-level thread to continue while another is blocked on an I/O request.

b. SJF

We should prioritize those processes that are I/O-bound, so that whenever they are ready for the CPU we can spend the small amount of time it takes so that the I/O-bound process is again waiting on I/O. This will use the I/O devices more heavily while having a negligible effect on CPU usage.