CSCI 160 library materials: compiled library. source code.
Creating custom Swing components demonstrates how you can create your own customized component in Swing (similar to DrawableFrame). This is material that we're not covering in class - it's just for students interested in experimenting more.
Vocabulary definitions are available for students who are having a tough time keeping the basic object-oriented terms in Java straight.
Class scheduling advice for first-year CS and Math/CS majors is posted on the Web page. Your advisor is your Symposium instructor, but feel free to speak with a department faculty member if you want more advice.
Cheat sheets will be allowed for future tests, following the unusual policy outlined on the cheat sheet policy page. Basically, if you choose to write a cheat sheet, you will send it to me before the test, and I will give all students the same opportunity to use it.
Downloading a Java compiler. If you want to try writing Java programs on your personal computer, there are two good, free programming environments that might interest you. This page explains where to get them and how to configure them so you can use the csbsju.cs160 classes.