Next: Defining a class. Up: Objects review. Previous: Definitions.

Using objects

Creating a name

This is simply declaring a variable of the given type.

Robot rob;
There is no difference between this statement and a statement like ``int i.'' Here, we are creating a variable called rob to be a name for a Robot object.

We haven't actually made it be a name for any particular object yet. In fact, rob will hold null.

Or we could create a name for a DrawableFrame object.

DrawableFrame window;

Assigning an object to a name

To assign an object to a name, we'll want to create the object.

window = new DrawableFrame();
rob = new Robot(window, 100, 100);
Here, we're changing what object the rob name is naming. In this case, the object we're making it be a name for is a new Robot object created on the same line.

The same object can have multiple names. For example, the following code would create a second name bert for rob.

Robot bert;
bert = rob;

The new keyword is used when you want to create an instance. The way it works is as follows.

new Class_Name (parameters)
The parentheses contain the parameters to be passed to the constructor method: They tell the constructor method how the robot should be set up. In the documentation, you'll see this constructor method for the class defined something like the following.
Robot(DrawableFrame frame, int x, int y)
(Constructor method) Constructs a robot in frame facing east at coordinates (x, y) in the window.

What this is saying is that there is a constructor method for the Robot class that takes two int parameters (listed in parentheses). So writing ``new Robot(100, 100)'' is a legal thing to write. The names of the parameters x and y are insignificant; they exist only so that the documentation can refer to them by name (it would be ugly if it would have to write ``first parameter value'' when x is much shorter). The names have no effect on how you write your program.

Using an object

Each object has several methods which specify what we can ask of that object. For example, a Robot object might have the following methods. (This is how they might be described in the documentation.)

int getX()
Returns the x-coordinate of the robot's current position.

int getY()
Returns the x-coordinate of the robot's current position.

void moveForward(int dist)
Move forward dist pixels in the current direction, drawing a line underneath.

void turnLeft()
Turn left 90 degrees.

To tell a Robot object to accomplish one of these behaviors, we would give the name of a Robot, followed by a period and the method name, with a set of parentheses. Any parameters required by the method would go inside the parentheses.

Here, we have told rob to move forward 50 pixels. Then we told rob to turn left. (Note that when we told rob to turn left, we still had to include the parentheses, even though we had no parameter values to give him.)

Many methods can return a value - this would be the object's response to the request. You can tell in the documentation that it returns something when there is a type name other than void listed before the method name. For example, the getY() method returns an int. We can put such a method call anywhere we can place an expression. For example, we might put the return value into a variable.

int y;
y = rob.getY();
Here, we've asked rob for his y-coordinate, and then we've told rob to move that far forward. We could combine these into a single line to accomplish the same thing.

Next: Defining a class. Up: Objects review. Previous: Definitions.