One-page version suitable for printing.
mean 22.974 (896.000/39) stddev 4.780 median 24.000 midrange 19.000-26.000 # avg 1 5.31 / 7 2 4.13 / 8 3 13.54 / 15
[7 pts] Draw a recursion tree representing the recursive calls made to f in the course of computing the value of f(11) using the following method.
public static void f(int n) { if(n <= 1) { return 1; } else if(n % 2 == 0) { return 2 * f(n / 2); } else { return f((n - 1) / 2) + f((n + 1) / 2); } }
[8 pts] Consider the following method.
public static void run() { int n = IO.readInt(); for(int i = n; i > 0; i /= 2) { IO.print(i % 2); } }
[15 pts] Define a class PigPen for tracking the number of pigs in in a pen. It should support the following methods.
public class PigPenTest { public static void run() { PigPen pen = new PigPen(2); pen.pigExits(); IO.println(pen.isEmpty()); // prints ``false'' pen.pigExits(); IO.println(pen.isEmpty()); // prints ``true'' pen.pigEnters(); IO.println(pen.isEmpty()); // prints ``false'' } }