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Consider the following class SemesterEnrollment to represent the enrollments of students in a semester.
public class SemesterEnrollment { private int num_students; private String[] names; private int[] total_enrolled; public SemesterEnrollment(int max_students) { num_students = 0; names = new String[max_students]; total_enrolled = new int[max_students]; } public void enroll(String name, int credits) { for(int i = 0; i < num_students; i++) { if(names[i].equals(name)) { total_enrolled[i] += credits; return; } } names[num_students] = name; total_enrolled[num_students] = credits; num_students++; } public int getCreditsTaken(String name) { for(int i = 0; i < num_students; i++) { if(names[i].equals(name)) { return total_enrolled[i]; } } return 0; } }
What to do? add Alice 2 What to do? add Bob 4 What to do? add Alice 4 What to do? add Spot 5 What to do? add Bob 1 What to do? query Bob 5 What to do? query Alice 6 : (This program continues asking questions indefinitely)
Write a program that reads a line from the user and says ``ok'' if the user's line represents a valid integer, and ``bad'' otherwise.
Type something. -56a2 bad
import csbsju.cs160.*; public class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { } }
Consider the following two class definitions.
class Test { public int a; public Test() { a = 8; } public Test(int x) { a = x + 4; } } class Example extends Test { public int b; public Example() { b = 0; } public Example(int y) { super(y + 2); b = 1; } }
Example foo = new Example(); IO.println(foo.a); IO.println(foo.b); Example bar = new Example(8); IO.println(bar.a); IO.println(bar.b);
Consider the following two class definitions.
class X { public double g(double x) { return 3.0 * f(x); } public double f(double x) { return x; } } class Y extends X { public double f(double x) { return 5.0 * x; } }
Y y = new Y(); IO.println(y.f(2.0)); X x = y; IO.println(x.f(2.0)); IO.println(x.g(2.0));