Assignment 3

Based on Problem 2.39 from Tanenbaum and Woodhull.

Note: You may work with one other student on this assignment if you wish. The assignment is due 2:40pm, Friday, October 12. You will submit a written report for this assignment.



Your job is to modify Minix to support an alternative process-scheduling scheme that gives priority to user processes that block frequently. This is preferable because a user is more likely to be actively waiting for these processes, and because such a process is helped along tremendously with a small share of the CPU.

The scheduling algorithm is as follows. Time is divided into five-second intervals, and the clock interrupt handler tracks how much time each process has taken within the current interval.

When it is time to select a process, the OS will still prefer to take the first task or server process, as before. But when the OS is to choose a user process, instead of choosing the first user process in the queue, it chooses the ready user process that has used the least time within the current five-second interval.

Minix source code

Before you begin, first run setup_cs350 again, log out, and log in again. This modifies your setup as needed.

To get the Minix source code for modification, type getcs 350 3. This copies the source code for the kernel into your CS350/Project3 directory.

To compile the Minix source code, go into the src/tools directory and type make image. This generates a new image file containing your kernel's binary. From this directory, you should be able to run minix to test your kernel version.

Important: As you modify kernel code in src/kernel, take careful note of the modifications you make to the kernel. In your written report, you will detail only the modifications you make.


My solution to this assignment added 18 lines (not counting comments) to the Minix kernel code. The modifications I made were as follows.

At any time while you are running Minix, you can type control-backslash, which immediately executes the p_dmp() function in dmp.c. This dumps much information about all the processes. If you want this to display more information about the current processes you can add additional debugging code to p_dmp().


When you run minix in the src/tools directory, you should be able to log in as student. You will find in that user account two executable files.

Say you're running several (5, maybe) versions of primes in the background. If you've made good modifications, you should find that your modified kernel runs scanfiles much more quickly than the original kernel.

To test this, you can use the Unix time command. For example:

$ time scanfiles
real        4.00
user        2.20
sys         6.30
Ignore the ``user'' and ``sys'' lines. What's important here is the ``real'' line, which says that scanfiles took 4 seconds to complete.

When you do your timings, you should average over a series of trials, as the timings will fluctuate slightly. (There's no need to reboot Minix or log in again - just run the trials in quick succession.)

Written report

Unlike your previous assignments, for this assignment you should submit a typed paper report. This report will have two sections, one section detailing the modifications you made to the Minix kernel and one section detailing your analysis of its effects.

The first section should describe exactly your modifications to the code, referring to the textbook's line numbers to show precisely where you have added or modified code. This will likely be short - my solution has only 18 lines, after all. Do not give me large segments of the Minix source code; just detail your own changes.

For the second section, complete the following.

Grading criteria

In grading your assignment, I will assign points as follows.

20correct accounting of time process spends
20correct selection of algorithm
10presentation of modifications
10presentation of results (charts and details)
20analysis and conclusions
In grading your analysis, I will be looking for valid assertions, that summarize the data and are well-justified. Assertions should be accompanies by an analysis of the possible cause. It's certainly possible to complete a top-scoring analysis within half a page, but there's no required length. (I will deduct points for what looks like padding to me.)