Fall 2001 CSCI 160 evaluation comments

This is CSB|SJU's evaluation form. I've written down the entire array of comments for the course, so they of course run the gamut. Giving you only a selection of comments would make it look better, but they wouldn't be representative. This gives a sounder idea of general student satisfaction.

CSCI 160 is our introductory programming course, the second semester in our majors curriculum, in which we introduce students to Java programming. This was the off-semester, so we had only 10 students in the course.

  1. My DESIRE TO ENROLL in this course was...
    5Very strong
    0Very weak
  2. The LEARNING GOALS AND OBJECTIVES for this course were...
    7Very clear
    2Somewhat clear
    0Not provided
  3. OVERALL, in this course I LEARNED...
    6An exceptional amount
    3A good amount
    1An average amount
    0Very little
  4. OVERALL, I rate this COURSE to be...
    4Very good

    WHY did you rate this course in this way?

    I entered the course not knowing anything about programming in Java, and now I feel comfortable writing small programs.

    It was a hard course but I learned a lot.

    It was a challenging course, but the objectives were clear, and what was required of the students was clear. With that in place all a person had to do was try hard and participate.

    The course was challenging, but not overly difficult, and I learned a lot.

    Very good:
    I learned a lot. The web notes were very helpful.

    Very organized. Web site was excellent. At times the class assignments were very frustrating.

    Learned a lot fo new things. Nice balance of difficulty.

    I struggled a lot but I ejnoyed it and the prof was good.

  5. OVERALL, I rate the INSTRUCTOR of this course to be...
    2Very good

    WHY did you rate the instructor in this way?

    I feel he presented the material in a very understandable way and was always around to answer questions about the course.

    He was very clear in explaining the material.

    Professor Burch put a lot of time into the class and I could tell that he enjoys teaching it, especially during the labs.

    He was available for help outside of class, made it easy to get information (online, etc.). He made the material interesting.

    Very good at explaining things and really takes the time to help students.

    Very Good:
    Very intelligent. Not the best at giving lectures, but taught us well.

    Burch is the bomb.

    Very smart. He tried his best to help, but didn't always succeed.

  6. Other comments:

    This was a fun course.

    I learned a lot. Thanks.

    I don't know how much I learned directly from the prof or the course, because I was strongly motivated to do additional work outside of class.

    The website was most excellent. I couldn't have avoided flunking without it. I kind of wish that we would have used the real Java libraries sooner. But it's all good.

    I enjoyed this course and I hope to have Professor Burch again.