View truth table View expression View documentation Add variable Remove variable Remove variable

Modify the truth table by pressing the output column values you wish to change. The values cycle between 0, 1, and d (don't care).

The x !y icon computes and views the minimized sum-of-products expression. The truth table icon above it goes back to the truth table.

The green + adds a new variable, up to a maximum of 10. There is no way to modify the characters used for the variables.

The red x removes a variable, down to a minimum of 2.

[Off-line access to KarnaughCalc]

(KarnaughCalc is based on a small portion of Logisim, an open-source, Java-based application for designing digital circuits built by the same author.)

(KarnaughCalc is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Based on the original at