With the `Advanced Tools' checked, the toolbar should look something like the following.
The first nine tools of the toolbar are identical to the basic tools, described elsewhere. To the right of the ninth (the LED tool, drawn as a box with a green circle in it) are the following.
The D flip-flop holds a value until the clock input changes from FALSE to TRUE. At this instant, it takes the value on the value input and holds that instead until the clock input changes from FALSE to TRUE again.
Right-click on the tool button to select between constant-zero and constant-one.
The intention is that this can be used when you want a wire whose value can come from any one of several inputs - such a wire is called a bus. You connect all the inputs to the wire through tri-state gates and then enable the desired wire. If you enable more than one of the gates into the wire, and two of them disagree, then you have a bus error.
This version has a bug in that it does not handle buses across subcircuit pins properly.
To add a new option to this drop-down menu, select ``New Subcircuit...'' from the Project menu. (You'll need the Advanced Tools option selected to get this menu.) Then draw the chip's circuit on the canvas. You can go back to your old circuit by selecting its name from the Project menu.
When you insert a chip into a circuit, its inputs will be on the left-hand side and its outputs will be on the right-hand side. These represent the switches and LEDs of the circuit represented in the file, in the same top-to-bottom order. (If several are on the same row, the leftmost is above the rest.)
See the Managing Projects section of this help system for more information on managing subcircuits.