Library Class

The access point for the JAR library is a class that extends the Library class. The library's main job is to list the tools that are available through the library; most often, the tools are all tools to add the various components defined - that is, instances of the AddTool class working with different component factories.


package com.cburch.incr;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;


/** The library of components that the user can access. */
public class Components extends Library {
    /** The list of all tools contained in this library. Technically,
     * libraries contain tools, which is a slightly more general concept
     * than component classes; practically speaking, though, there
     * shouldn't be much reason to invent tools beyond new instances of
     * AddTool.
    private List tools;
    /** Constructs an instance of this library. This constructor is how
     * Logisim accesses first when it opens the JAR file: It looks for
     * a no-arguments constructor method of the user-designated class.
    public Components() {
        tools = Arrays.asList(new Tool[] {
                new AddTool(ByteIncrementerFactory.instance),
                new AddTool(IncrementerFactory.instance),
                new AddTool(SimpleCounterFactory.instance),
                new AddTool(Counter.factory),
    /** Returns the standard name of the library. Actually, this string
     * won't be used by Logisim. */
    public String getName() {
        return Components.class.getName();
    /** Returns the name of the library that the user will see. */ 
    public String getDisplayName() {
        return "Increment";
    /** Returns a list of all the tools available in this library. */
    public List getTools() {
        return tools;

Next: General Incrementer.