Creating circuits

Every Logisim project is actually a library of circuits. In its simplest form, each project has only one circuit (called "main" by default), but it is easy to add more: Select Add Circuit... from the Project menu, and type any name you like for the new circuit you want to create.

Suppose we want to build a 1x2 multiplexer named "1x2 MUX." After adding the circuit, Logisim wil look like this.

In the explorer pane, you can now see that the project now contains two circuits, "main", and "1x2 MUX." Logisim draws a magnifying glass over the icon of the circuit currently being viewed; the current circuit name also appears in the window's title bar.

After editing the circuit to appear like a 1x2 multiplexer, we might end up with the following circuit.

Next: Using subcircuits.