The File menu

Opens a new project in a new window. The project will initially be a copy of the currently selected template.

Opens an existing file as a project in a new window.

You can open files saved in Version 1.0X of Logisim, but there may be some slight conversion problems for complex circuits. Most notably, Logisim 1.0X computes subcircuit locations in a very different way, and you will need manually to go through all circuits and move the subcircuits to their correct locations.

Closes all windows associated with the currently viewed project.

Saves the currently viewed project, overwriting what was previously in the file.

Save As...
Saves the currently viewed project, prompting the user to save into a different file than before.

Export As GIF...
Creates GIF image(s) corresponding to circuits. The configuration dialog box is described below.

Sends circuit(s) to a printer. The configuration dialog box is described below.

Displays the application preferences window. (On Mac OS systems, this will appear in the Logisim menu.)

Closes all currently open projects and terminates Logisim. (On Mac OS systems, this will appear as Quit in the Logisim menu.)

Configuring Export

When you select Export As GIF..., Logisim displays a dialog box with three options.

After clicking OK, Logisim will display a file selection dialog box. If you have selected one circuit, select the file into which the GIF should be placed. If you have selected multiple circuits, select a directory where the files should be placed; Logisim will name the images based on the circuits' names (main.gif, for example).

Configuring Print

When you choose Print..., Logisim displays a dialog box for configuring what is printed.

After clicking OK, Logisim will display the standard page setup dialog box before printing the circuits.

Next: The Edit menu.