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Command Line

For those using a command-line system, Lambda Calculator allows the user to customize how the program begins based on its command-line parameters. To start Lambda Calculator, you would type the following at the command line.

java lambda.jar [options] [filenames]
The program will import the symbols listed in any mentioned files when it begins. (The files should be listed as described on the Format page. Note that the Export... menu item automatically exports in this format.)

The options include the following. For more details about what they mean, consult the documentation about the Options menu.


Customizes the maximum number of steps. (Default: 100.)

Customizes the engine's evaluation order. The "normal_slow" option corresponds to "Normal Without Thunks." (Default: normal)
Selects whether eta reductions are enabled. (Default: yes)
Selects whether to use the applied lambda calculus. (Default: yes)
Bounds the number of characters displayed in computed lambda expressions. (Default: 100)
Selects whether to show each individual reduction during simplification. (Default: yes)
Selects whether to substitute symbols for matching subexpressions when displaying an expression. (Default: yes)
Selects whether to intermix brackets and braces with parentheses when displaying expressions. (Default: no)
Selects whether to show lambda characters (instead of backslashes) when displaying expressions. (Default: yes) -font_size=#
Defines the point size of the font used in the text fields. (Default: 14)
Selects whether the symbol browser should be displayed on the left side of the window. (Default: yes)

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