Assembler Example

The Assembler process enables a user to avoid calculating jump addresses, remembering Op Codes, and deciding where to put data. In all cases, all the user need do is type the code with symbolic names for jump points and data and the Assembler will turn the result into a good machine language program.

Empty SimHYMN Assembler Editor WindowThe process begins with the user clicking on the Assembler menu and choosing the Show Editor option. The user will then see the editor window shown to the right here.

For our example assembler program we will write a program that will read in a value from the user and will add up the numbers from 1 to that value and print out that sum. If the number is 0 or less, it will always print out 0.

This will require us to use two pseudo-ops for instructions- READ (which gets translated into LOAD 11110) and WRITE (which gets translated into STOR 11111) as well as data items for containing the current value (which will decrease by 1 down to 0 as we compute the sum), a place for the sum, and a place for the value 1. We also use comments which are indicated by a #. Everything after the # on a given line is simply a comment and is disregarded by the Assembler.

Note Data items are of the form:

One:   1

and labeled instructions are of the form:

Loop:   Instruction

SimHYMN Assembler Editor Window - 2Here is the program. Note that there are lots of comments which pretty much completely describe what the program does. Also, we have tabbed lines over so that they look "pretty" and so it is easy to see the labeled statement and the labeled storage locations.

Note that One is given the value 1 to start with and Value and Sum are given the value 0. For Value, the 0 is meaningless since pretty much right away our program puts a new value there. For Sum, the value is also meaningless since we set the value to 0 by the LOAD Sum/SUB Sum instructions that start the program. The reason for doing this is because after you run the program once, Sum will no longer be 0 and if you run it again you need to make sure it starts out at 0 in order to properly add up the numbers.

Notice that One, however, stays 1 no matter how many times you run the program. Nothing in the program will affect that memory location.

The loop shown here (a countdown loop) is a very common way to do repetetive operations in Assembler/Machine Code programs.

Once you have typed the program in, you click on Assemble and another window pops up to show you if you have any errors.

SimHYMN Assembler Error WindowWe see that there are some problems. The window tells us that there is no such instruction as STR at line 4 (and, of course, there isn't). We meant to type STOR. It also tells us there is no label or number Ones in line 8 (and, of course, there isn't). Instead, we wished to type One.

We should now go ahead and change the editor window so that line 4 and line 8 are correct. If we do so we will now find that when we click the Assemble button the Error window says (No errors). This means two things. First of all, there were no errors so it assembled correctly and, second, the corresponding machine code has been entered into the memory in the SimHYMN simulator.

Note that the program runs from memory locations 00000 to 01011 and the three data items Value, Sum, and One are in memory locations 01100, 01101, and 01110 respectively in the SimHYMN simulator shown below.

SimHYMN Assembled ProgramAssembled Program.

Finally, here is the assembled program run with value 6 typed in by the user.

SimHYMN Assembled and Executed ProgramAssembled/Executed program

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