The SimHYMN Memory Section

SimHYMN Memory Section

The SimHYMN Memory Section displays the entire contents of writeable memory in the SimHYMN simulator. Note that each memory word consists of three parts - a 5 bit address which is black on the green background, an 8-bit value which is blue on a yellow background, and a text box which contains another representation of the value of the word. In the Memory above, the first 2 columns are displaying the instruction stored in each word (00000000 is the HALT instruction). The third column displays the decimal value in each word. A user can change what is displayed in a column by clicking on the grey button above the column. This button cycles from Instruction to Hexadecimal to Decimal and back to Instruction as the user clicks on it. As the button cycles, what is dispayed cycles in that column as well.

A user can change the value in a memory location in two ways. You can click on the bits in the memory and each bit you click on will change to its opposite value. You can also enter a new value in the text box. For example, if in the text box to the right of the bits at address 00101 you were to type LOAD 11101, then the binary value at address 00101 would change to 10011101. If you were to type the decimal value -1 in the text box to the right of memory address 11011, you would change the binary value at 11011 to 11111111 (the 2's complement representation of -1).

Here is another Memory display. Note that the middle column has been changed to hexadecimal and many values have been entered so that you can see what they might look like.

Another view of SimHYMN memory

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