Test 2 Review B: Questions
Convert the following Haskell expression using do
to the equivalent non-do
form using the Monad operator >>=
do args <- getArgs
fstr <- readFile (head args)
putStrLn (show (length fstr))
Convert the following Haskell expression using do
to the equivalent non-do
form using the Monad operator >>=
do a <- getLine
b <- getLine
putStrLn b
putStrLn a
with type IO ()
which reads two
lines from the user and then displays them back in opposite order (the
second line, then the first line).
Write a function readLines
of type IO [String]
that reads lines typed by the user until the user types
” and then returns a list of the lines typed
wrapped in an IO, not including the “.
” line.
You will use the getLine
function (of type
IO String
) to read a single line.
Define a Haskell function skipToLine
whose type
signature is as below.
skipToLine :: Int -> IO String
Given a positive integer, skipToLine
should read that many
lines from the user using the getLine
function of type
IO String
, and its result should be the IO String
in the final call to getLine
Complete the following class definition by writing the
function for the Maybe
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
instance Monad (Maybe a) where
return x = Just x
For this type, the expression x >>= f
yield Just (f data)
if x
is Just data
and it should yield Nothing
if x
is Nothing
Based on the BNF grammar below, draw a syntax tree for the sentence a a x b x b x.
S → a S b S | x
Based on the BNF grammar below, draw a syntax tree for the sentence a b c a c b a b.
S → a T b | c T → b S S a | S
Using BNF syntax, write a context-free grammar for the language of zero or more a's listed separated by commas, but without beginning or ending in a comma. The four shortest strings in the language are the empty string, “a”, “a,a”, “a,a,a”.
Test 2 Review B: Solutions
getArgs >>= (\args -> readFile (head args)
>>= \fstr -> putStrLn (show (length fstr)))
getLine >>= (\a -> getLine >>= (\b putStrLn second >> putStrLn a))
main = do first <- getLine
second <- getLine
putStrLn second
putStrLn first
readLines = do line <- getLine
if line == "."
then return []
else do rest <- readLines
return line : rest
skipToLine 1 = getLine
skipToLine n = do dummy <- getLine
skipToLine (n - 1)
skipToLine n = mapM getLine [1..(n - 1)] >> getLine
Nothing >>= f = Nothing
(Just x) >>= f = Just (f x)

S → | L L → a , L | a