Finals are graded. Solutions and statistics are on the Tests page. I'll be happy to return your final when you submit Assignment 6.
Assignment 6 error: Question A6-3 refers to 300 seconds. Of course I meant 300 milliseconds.
Assignment 6 hint (due Thursday (May 6) by 5pm). You will not be writing code for any of the problems except A6-3. For this one, the improvements need not (and probably will not) be similar to the optimizations we've discussed during class. You need to understand the code and determine ways in which it is wasting computation. I know of several very good ways of making it significantly faster.
Using BlueJ. Feel free to use BlueJ to edit and compile your Assignment 5 and 6 programs, but be sure not to run them using BlueJ. BlueJ modifies the execution of programs in order to provide some of its features, and these modifications dramatically affect program performance. Running programs within BlueJ will result in misleading information about how efficiently the program runs.