This is CSB|SJU's evaluation form. I've written down the entire array of comments for the course, so they of course run the gamut. Giving you only a selection of comments would make it look better, but they wouldn't be representative. This gives a sounder idea of general student satisfaction.
CSCI 350 is an Operating Systems course, an upper-division elective at CSB|SJU. I had never taught the course before, and I didn't feel like I knew much going in. (I did know that I didn't want my course to resemble the equivalent courses I had taken in the past.) I chose to use the Minix textbook (by Tanenbaum and Woodhull).
As the comments indicate, the course ended up being unusually difficult for the students, as the assignments involved quite a bit of programming, which few students had mastered before the course. Halfway through the semester, a third of the students had withdrawn from the course. I readjusted my expectations, and things went more smoothly, with no more drops. Of course, the following comments are only from those who stayed.
4 Very strong 7 Strong 1 Moderate 0 Weak 0 Very weak
5 Very clear 5 Clear 2 Somewhat clear 0 Unclear 0 Not provided
6 An exceptional amount 6 A good amount 0 An average amount 0 Little 0 Very little
7 Excellent 3 Very good 2 Good 0 Fair 0 Poor
WHY did you rate this course in this way?
It was tough, but it also forces you to really learn a lot.
The learning curve is amazing! Prof. Burch is one of the most prepared professors I've had. He put a lot of time into the course. This is rare for CSCI dept.
It was taught well and with enthusiasm. Course layout well defined.
8 Excellent 1 Very good 3 Good 0 Fair 0 Poor
WHY did you rate the instructor in this way?
Very good at explaining and breaking things down into simplified layers.
He is very good at bringing complex ideas down to an understandable level.
Session notes on Web site. Timely in returning tests and assignments. Really puts A LOT of effort into class. Maybe more of the CSCI profs here should follow his example.
Enthusiasm of professor and his willingness to help. Posting of class notes were very helpful.
He was always willing to help out no matter how dumb of question you had.
I think the instructor could have taught some of the material in a way that was esaier to understand. A few times I felt very intimidated when I needed to ask questions.
Good selection of topics. Projects integrated well with lectures. Instructor was always available for questions. Instructor was knowledgeable on every topic discussed.
I enjoyed the class a lot.
I really liked the projects. They were all very interestind and they really made us think about the concepts much harder than anything else. It was a very challenging course and I think we need more like it because I learn an extremely larger amount when I'm forced to think on the concepts.
I really enjoyed the class!
Overall, I learned a lot in this class and ilke the way it is structured. I feel bad for the kids that dropped it right away.
Learned a lot. It was very hard at first and I got very frustrated and discouraged at many points. It got better though. Overall, excellent course - but very tough.
Love the class. Possibly the best professor I've had within the department. I understand his teaching style the best of all my professors.
I have mixed feelings on this class because it was so hard, but I feel as though I learned a lot. However, when you spend over 20 hrs per cycle on an assignment, that is more like grad school work. Adding on to my other 3 classes plus 25 hrs of work per week in roder to pay tuition, it got to be way too intense. But Carl is a very smart person and good for us to learn from, but best when keeping it at our level.
The notes on your Web page were helpful. At times I felt like you were teaching above my head and it was intimidating to go and ask you questions. I did learn a lot in your class though.