This is CSB|SJU's evaluation form. I've written down the entire array of comments for the course, so they of course run the gamut. Giving you only a selection of comments would make it look better, but they wouldn't be representative. This gives a sounder idea of general student satisfaction.
CSCI 150 is our first-semester course for majors. It is a survey course, with components about circuits, assembly language, programming, and theory of computation.
11 Very strong 6 Strong 2 Moderate 0 Weak 0 Very weak
8 Very clear 10 Clear 1 Somewhat clear 0 Unclear 0 Not provided
6 An exceptional amount 8 A good amount 5 An average amount 0 Little 0 Very little
4 Excellent 9 Very good 5 Good 1 Fair 0 Poor
WHY did you rate this course in this way?
I found it difficult and challenging at times. The class felt a little overwhelming sometimes.
It took me from knowing very little to being very well on my way in CS.
Learn much, the various topics relate, textbook available but not necessary.
A lot of different points of views were covered.
Challenging material
Interesting + learned a lot
Learned a lot
7 Excellent 7 Very good 5 Good 0 Fair 0 Poor
WHY did you rate the instructor in this way?
Professor Burch showed a lot of patience and was able to clarify clearly misunderstanding.
Very friendly, helpful, answers questionts w/a smile, explains things as many times as needed.
Always available to help and answer questions.
Very helpful and thorough.
Taught well.
Always willing to help.
Very helpful.
I feel Carl really tried to explain things clearly. If we didn't understand or had questions, he always answered them.
Sometimes he had trouble bringing the information across on a simpler level. But he worked w/you until you understood.
A little off the wall, but overall, a decent instructior.
Don't always assume we know something. Explain Java better.
The format of this course is great. Professor is EXCELLENT he's very patient, understanding and knows what he's doing. I just can't get excited about computer science, though.
Carl had the patience to let us learn everything for ourselves. That helped the most of anything.