47 Never attempted to program one 26 Written only short programs. 16 Already done quite a bit.
14 Among the best courses I've ever taken. 36 I leraned more/better than average (for PGSS). 30 About average (for PGSS). 9 I learned less/worse than average (for PGSS). 0 I learned almost nothing.
On a scale of 1 to 5, how interesting did you find each of the following? (1 being ``boring,'' 5 being ``fascinating'')
aspect abstain 1 2 3 4 5 avg assignments 4 0 5 15 33 32 4.08 lecture 2 3 7 26 38 13 3.59 textbook 10 0 15 25 20 19 3.42 cluster help 17 1 3 15 27 26 4.03 other TA help 12 0 7 25 23 22 3.78
aspect abstain 1 2 3 4 5 avg assignments 3 0 5 31 36 14 3.69 lecture 4 7 9 32 29 8 3.26 textbook 10 6 18 38 15 2 2.86
aspect abstain 1 2 3 4 5 avg 0: Pseudocode, Nim 2 0 9 30 37 11 3.57 1: Paint-Bucket, Panthers 2 1 2 25 40 19 3.85 2: Big-O, Go Fish 2 2 3 16 36 30 4.02
A little less theory (math, algorithms). Certainly more programming (C++)
A little more time with game playing... I'm 17, I love games!
Algorithms, games, Internet less, because I felt like we went too quickly and/or changed topics too frequently to get a good grasp of many of them. Programs more - I really enjoyed and understood this, and I could see its applicationst very well.
All of them; I would have liked better explanations of each topic than the lecture offered.
Games - More
How to program more C++ - it was difficult for me to understand a bit of the theoretic material.
I believe enough topics were covered in this class; however, for someone with no previous experience in programming, the pace of the course was too fast.
I didn't know much about computer programming before so anything was better than nothing.
I don't know how to answer this. I can't think of anything.
I enjoyed writing the programs - I got a nice feeling after completing one.
I find the whole cryptography quite boring but I liked the programming part.
I found it very difficult to learn from the lectures (not to mention stay away), so I cannot really say. As is evidenced by the above answers, I got more from completing the assignments than from anything else, so I would have enjoyed more actual programming time. As far as topics, I liked the mathematical concepts we discussed.
I liked the game playing part. Maybe a bit less on C++ - I think 1.5 weeks would be cool.
I liked the programming part best.
I think that we covered a nice range of topics. Maybe a 1-day intro into another language and what it is used for (like Java) might have been interesting. We could also have spent a little more time on the physical aspects of computers.
I thought we'd have more opportunity to do actual programming in class. But, overall, I thought the actual material covered was fine.
I very much enjoyed the variety of topics covered. If more time, more programming. I don't think anything should have been covered less.
I would have liked to cover a little more of the theories behind algorithms, but I don't think anything was overcovered. (Sorry that's a self-defeating suggestion.)
I would have liked to cover more internet workings and programming, if psosible. I also enjoyed the day on compression partcularly well. I was not as interested in the extended discussions of recursive game-playing - I feel that it was a bit over-covered.
I would have liked to do a lot more programming.
I would have liked to go more in depth with C++ and less with the topics covered in the last 2 weeks of the course.
I would have liked to learn C++ more in depth
I would have liked to learn about how commercial software problems are solved.
I would have liked to learn more about how the Internet works.
I would have liked to learn more about the Internet and CS applications than mathematical aspects and theories such as big-O, dynamic programming, and divide and conquer.
I would have liked to see CBurch covered less (if you know what I mean...)
I would have liked to spend more time programming. Conversely, I would not spend as much time on recursion.
I'm not sure. I liked the topics.
It would have been cool to get into Internet programming more. Especially, I would love to learn to write my own protocols like FishNet. I know that wouldn't work for everyone, but I would have loved it.
Less recursion
Less recursion and more games like farmer Bob and his cow
Less: Internet, More: algorithms
Less: examples is pseudocode
MORE: compression, cryptography, and 3-D graphics. LESS: recursion, big O
Maybe a bit less big O, a bit more with graphics (how to put them on the screen, how 3D graphics work, perhaps drawing commands in C++
Maybe just covered les topics in general, so I could get a more complete understanding of the ones we did.
Maybe more explaination of Big-O bound.
Maybe more in-depth with the programming. I need smaller steps and thinsg explained ore than they were. Baybe steps... it's all about the baby steps.
More - different, more complicated programs. Less - cryptography/internet
More - how to program some of the theory we learned
More - theory; less - programming
More ArtI
More C++
More C++
More advanced programming
More code!! I felt complete stupid going into all the programming assignments because I didn't know enough C++ to do them the way I would have if I had known more. We only learned simple code, and sometimes the complicated stuff is better!
More hacking!
More in depth of actually programming. Less on the theoretical aspects of CS.
More internet based/web design
More on artificial intelligence and cryptography. Maybe a little less of some of the math - we got basically the same in discrete math, although I understand it is essential to the programming.
More on coding tricks and tips. Less on theory.
More on crytology and compression. Less on recursion.
More programming (aka time with computers)
More programming, less Big-O etc...
More programming; html and webpage design; less of tedious, big-word internet topics
More theoretical nad less internet
More: Applications. Less: Stick figures
More: Artificial Intelligence. Less: ?
More: C++. Less: Theory.
More: Cryptography, game playing. Less: Big-O.
Perhaps some more on the Internet, programming, and AI (game playing)
Programming more, Internet less
The compression stuff was hard to understand, especially since we had no homework on it.
The info covered was good. Perhaps give a ``how to start'' programming class. Tell what to think about first, etc.... when thinking about how you want to set up a program b/c on that first assignment - I had no idea how to attempt it at first.
The material was good for appealing to all skill levels.
There's really nothing I would've liked to have seen covered more or less. I get a basic understanding of C++ and that is what I expected.
Turing and Von Neumann
Wouldn't change a thing.
Writing different types of programs, video, more advanced.
applications / real-world situations - these help more (in my opinion) than the theory, ideas. Teach me how I will use this or else it's of no use to me. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but if you can't apply it, what's the use?
artificial intelligence
compression, other cool stuff
learning ways to output something besides text
more - artificial intelligence. less - cryptography
more - the workings of commonly used systems today (i.e. Windows, word processors). less - I don't know - maybe more time would be better!
more cryptography (Playfair cipher, stuff closer to what NSA, CIA use, appart from 1-time pads)
more thinsg about the actual hardware of a computer. Less on code basics.
nothing really
problems from theory (PvNP, halting prob, etc)
programming - work on more of writing code
Definitely yes. I've known about recursive functions and how to use them for a while, but I've never implemented them on such a scale. The self-study assignments, to say the least, exposed me to some more applications and were very helpful.
I found the assignments were generally uninteresting. The time could be better spent on some sort of group project or TA-led seminar.
I found them more challenging but also quite capable of being accomplished - very good balance - kept things interesting too.
I had 45 minutes of sleep last night b/c of chemistry homework sheet.
I think I was on the border between knowing enough to be bored in most classes and not knowing enough to do the assignments (I'm not sure how this helps you...)
I've taken a year of programming in C++, but had missed little shortcuts here and there like using cin << x << y to enter in two variables separated by a space.
Majority of activities were trivial, but understandably so due to the varied nature of programming experience amongst the group.
Nim wasn't as useful as it could have been, but only because I had programmed a similar version of the game before. I still learned something because min was only with one pile, but it was more math than programming. I didn't make it through the recursion exercises, and the concept didn't really mke sense until I did it in the written homework. Making the Go Fish program semi-intelligent was definitely a challenge and very enjoyable.
Not really, I sued it to sort of refresh my memory instead of to extend my programming experience.
They didn't seem very useful, but some of them did make me think. I especially liked the prefix calculator exercise because of how simple my final recursive function was.
Worked well, although it would have been nice to have something a little more theoretically challenging.
Yes, I enjoyed all the programming exercises.
Yes, all of them expanded my programming knowledge.
Yes, all the programs.
Yes, choices and prefix were difficult
Yes, the choise program was my first real recursive solution to a computer problem. I spent about 3 hours thinking about it before I finally understood it and implemented it. Now I understand how to program recursively.
Yes, the exercises were helpful and I thought that the combinations and prefix notation made me think.
Yes, they were helpful. It had been a year since I had programmed. The exercises refrseshed my memory of C++ syntax.
Before I came to PGSs, I was very worried about the CS core course because I had never programmed before and knew very little about computers in general. However, the way in which the class was taught made it easy for me to pick up on each of the concepts. As someone with no prior programming experience, it was so rewarding to have my first Nim program run successfully! I am very glad that I have completed this course because I have learned so much and am so much more computer literate than I was 4 weeks ago! I also want to say that I absolutely *loved* the CBurch stick figure! Thanks for teaching an enlightening course and for being such a cool guy!
CBURCH is the man!
CBurch T-Shirts for next year! CBurch - you're the only teacher who left the room while we filled out the vealuations. Ironically enough, you're probably the only prof who will receive all around very positive evals. Although I don't think anyone would have been affacted by staying, I appreciate the courtesy.
CBurch is the coolest!
CBurch rocks!
CBurch, I liked the overheads!
CBurch, you _have_ to learn to relax during class!! You're awesome and you know a lot, but sometimes the point got lost in all the pacing and nervous movement. It makes you hard to listen to for long periods of time. You're incredibly helpful in 1-on-1 help sessions though.
CBurch: You kept lectures interesting. I loved the stick figures! Don't take the sleeping students in class personal, it is just b/c there is NO way for them to stay awake with so little sleep.
Cburch I really enjoyed your class even though I am not a comp science person. I had never programmed my life before I came here. The first program was really frustratig because I didn't know much, but after I finished I felt proud. Even though I am not great at comp. sci., I think I will take a few classes in college. Thank you for introducing me to comp. sci. and thanks for the awesome summer.
Cover less stuff, so it is easier for those w/ little knowledge about CS. Why not recruit rather than confuse?
Eve isn't evil! She's my favorite character. Her hair looks like mine.
For being a beginner, the look and difficulty was just right. They weren't too easy, but not impossible. We should maybe emphasize programming on paper more. I find it essential and helpful to start the program on paper and then implement it on the computer. For the Panthers one, I saved so much time, when I wrote the entire program by hand and looked over my logic. Then when I went to the computer, it saved me a lot of time since I had it already worked out.
For learning C++, it would have been nice to do sample problems, after a class or two, actually on a computer. I think this could be cacomplished by having both Kirk and CBurch co-teach in computer labs.
Hmm... writing programs for assignments is more fun than theoretical items. However, I guess both are necessary.
I [heart] the stick figures! Hey, and it's cool that I know a little about C++ programming and stuff, now. I've never taken any sort of computer science - so everything was new to me. (That's why I did horribly on the test, so sorry!)
I appreciate your enthusiasm in class lectures.
I don't know any easy way to bridge the gap between those with lots of experience and those who have none, but if you run into a better strategy, by all means! I know a lot of people who were completely lost.
I enjoyed in class. CBurch is awesome!! Have a nice rest of summer! Thanks
I enjoyed this course. I had never taken a computer class in my life but I have always been interested in learning. This has given me a kick start.
I have a crush on Eve - she's so hot!
I have a secret crush on CBurch, but SHHHHHH! Don't tell Amy!
I have little background in CS so giving examples in pseudocode instead of actual computer code (that I could take back and mess around with) hindered my learning, and confused me. I fonud myself saying, ``I don't see how this works in a program!'' ALways wanted to program, now I got the chance. Thanks!
I like your cartoon characters. :)
I like your hat and the stick figures.
I love the stick figures like I love my family. (Eve is the best... I like a bad girl.)
I love you ALL!!
I loved the drawing :)
I really ejnoyed the slides. Spot rules
I really enjoyed learning comp sci. The assignments were fun to ocmplete and I really feel like I've learned lots more abotu computers.
I think I could like programming if I tried it on my own and had more time to learn it. (As is, I feel like a complete buffoon because of that `quiz.' I can only improve from here.) I suggest CBurch leave his overheads on screen for longer periods of time.
I think there should be sound effects (in the background). Class gets too quiet and everyone sleeps.
I thought this was an excellent course in every aspect - well planned, taught, and explained. I've never had any programming experience before and through exposure to material in this class I am actually now considering a possible minor in computer science, or even a career. I plan to take computer programming courses back home based on this experience. The textbook was excellent and provided the perfect supplement to lecture, going more in-depth and providing detailed examples for better understanding. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be exposed to a new and interesting field of science.
I was initially very intimidated by this course, having no experience in CS. But the assignments (particularly the programming portion) were very good tools for learning. Honestly, this class was certainly the one where I learned the most. Thank you cburch!
I would have preferred to learn and do work by myself, other people's work being used as my own is not right ``group collaboration.'' The ``teams'' essentially have (`) programmer and (2) followers. TA's are more ``available'' later 12:00-3:00, but what about 6:30-12:00? If I have questions, I have to wait. Maybe I am odd, do work first, then play. Everyone procrastinates and ends up staying awake all night long.
I'm not very good @ computers... at all... and now I feel ilke I have a better understanding of how computers work, even if I can't do them on my own quite yet. I can do more than just point-and-click now!
If Cburch were an attractive woman, this class would be perfect.
Include a level 1.5 for semi-experienced programmers
It was difficult to jump right into programming after having never seen the code before and a few lectures.
It would be nice to have in-class programming tasks on computers in the lab.
It would have been very helpful to have a ``guided'' programming workshop in the computer lab at the beginning of PGSS for those with no previous experience.
Lectures were often boring. Characters were a good way to make it more exciting, but CS lectures (from anyone) are difficult to deal with. Dry and boring, an unavoidable result of nothing but putre math/logic, the lectures seemed to go on and on. Not your fault, though. If you find a way to make it exciting, I think you'll be the first.
Maybe do more examples of recursion.
PGSS - do not let go of CBurch
Peace Out
Perhasp make an elective for computer hardware and the internals of computers.
Rock on.
Show examples of theory on the computer.
Suggestion: Maybe have more class participation. I found this to be one of the most eye-opening experiences I ever had. I enjoy CS now and think I will pursue it farther. Thank you.
The assignments really made me feel like I could do basic programming now.
The class was well taught and the overheads were fun. Unfortunately, I don't seem to be a very CS-minded individual - I found a lot of topics sort of confusing. :( (Although that was not due to CBurch's teaching style! I think it was just me...)
The programming aws fun, something different and gave me more confidence when I finally got it to work. I also appreciated being able to work in a group for programming assignments. Perhaps you could include the theoretical subjects between programming portions, it was too easy to fall asleep and not pay attention to them in the end. CBurch is a great guy and made everything fun. Great class!!
The stick figures are the best! They help the lectures a lot and I love Spot. The programming problems are fun too! I'll miss this class!
The stick figures rocked, although I'm not sure if your mike ever did - you project well, at any rate. :)
This class was my first in programming, so it was great to actually learn. The assignments were hard but not impossible, which was good.
This was a really great class. CBurch is awesome! I've always wanted to know how to do some programming, and now I can.
This was probably my favorite core course. I really took a liking to programming and C++, and I hope to continue learning more of it in the future. Also, the lectures were interesting and informative. You know, I really don't know if I can go on without Spot in my life...
Thought this was one of the 2 most interesting core courses - very beneficial, actually learned, and was fun, too. BEST TEACHER!!
We could have learned how to program graphics.
Yes! I understand recursion!! Very cool :)
You're great Cburch. You have a very healthy and affable demeanor. The course was made easy to understand, but I think a little too much emphasis was placed on the Internet. TCP and Internet layers have specifics than can easily be forgotten.
Your Website has been especially helpful. I managed to learnd the basics of a new programming language in about 2 weeks. Not bad!
making us sit closer in lecture is a good idea. I'm glad that I stayed awake more in your lectures - very interesting
wtg, CBurch!