The Experimental tab
These preferences enable features that are considered experimental,
inserted to garner user feedback.
- Graphics Acceleration: Several Logisim users have reported
that Logisim seems quite slow at rendering graphics. One user observed
that adding -Dsun.java2d.d3d=True to the command line seemed
to address this completely. You can attempt to control this using a
drop-down box. I haven't myself observed speed problems
in Logisim, so I can't evaluate its effectiveness; I'm relying on user
reports about whether this helps. Note that it certainly won't have
any effect until a Logisim is restarted.
- Stretch Wires: When components are moved horizontally or
vertically, Logisim attempts to insert wires to preserve connections.
Future versions of Logisim will probably make this the default,
without the capability to turn it off, but I wanted to give people
the chance to test it and make suggestions.
Next: Command line options.