CSci 151: Foundations of computer science II
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Review 8: Priority queues: Questions


Name and briefly describe each of the major operations in the PQueue ADT.


Suppose we are using an ordered array to store a priority queue, stored in descending order. Using Big-O notation in terms of the current priority queue's size n, what is the tightest possible bound for each of the following operations? Explain your answers.


Suppose we have an implementation of the PQueue interface called PQImpl, with a no-arguments constructor method creating an empty priority queue. Complete the following class method so that it uses a PQImpl object to put the elements of the array in sorted order.

public static void sort(String[] data) {

Suppose you are to implement the PQueue interface using an array, where the array is stored in arbitrary order. That is, we do not maintain the invariant that the array is in descending order, and in fact methods can reorder the elements if convenient. The following is a start to the implementation; complete the remove method. (And don't bother writing the peek method.)

public class ArrayPQueue<E> implements PQueue<E> {
    private E[] elements;
    private int numElements;

    public ArrayPQueue(int capacity) {
        elements = (E[]) new Object[capacity];
        numElements = 0;

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return numElements == 0;

    public void add(E value) {
        elements[numElements] = value;

    public E remove() {
        // remember to raise NoSuchElementException if queue is empty.

Identify the data structure invariants that describe the structure of a heap. (We identified two in class; you should describe both for full credit.)


Suppose we insert 3 into the heap whose tree diagram is below. What will its tree diagram then be?


Suppose we insert 20 into the heap whose tree diagram is below. What will its tree diagram then be?


Suppose we remove the minimum from the heap whose tree diagram is below. What will its tree diagram then be?


Suppose we remove the minimum twice from the heap whose tree diagram is below. What will its tree diagram then be?


How much time does the add operation take for a heap? Use big-O notation in terms of the number of values n in the heap. Explain your answer.


Draw the array representation of a heap whose tree diagram is as follows.


Suppose we have an array whose contents represent a heap, and suppose i is an index an array element/heap node n. Give a Java arithmetic expression representing each of the following.

a.the index of n's left child
b.the index of n's right child
c.the index of n's parent

Suppose we have a heap of integers stored in an array as follows. What would the array contain after a single remove operation?

Array: 1, 2, 5, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 6

Suppose we have the following array representing a heap as seen in class (where lower numbers represent higher-priority elements). What will the array contain following an insertion of the number 4 into the heap?

Array: 1, 5, 2, 6, 7, 3, 9, 10, 8, empty

How does heapsort compare to quicksort in terms of big-O efficiency? And how do they compare in practice?


Write Dijkstra's algorithm using pseudocode. That is, you should write it in something resembling code, but you can use English words to describe the individual steps.


Suppose we implement Dijkstra's algorithm so that we add a neighbor into the priority queue only when the neighbor has not already been visited. Run this algorithm to find the shortest path from the gray node to the black node on the graph below, and number each edge (road) as it is processed (beginning with 1.).


Suppose we run Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path from the gray node to the black node in the map at right. Number each node (beginning with 1. for the first node removed from the priority queue).


Use A* search to determine the shortest route from Clinton to Mountain Home using the map at right. For your heuristic, use the straight-line distance (as the crow flies) from each town to Mountain Home, as follows.

63Heber Springs
0Mountain Home
36Mountain View

Write down the towns in the order they are added to the priority queue. (You need not add towns into the queue if they have already been visited.) When the algorithm visits a town, cross it out and place a number next to it indicating the order in which towns are visited.


Suppose we find ourselves stuck in the middle of Houston and we want to get to Amarillo. (These problems don't have to be realistic, do they?) We have in our hands the following simplified road map of Texas, and we decide to use the A* algorithm. List the cities in the order they are placed into visited. (Note that not all cities will necessarily be visited in the course of the algorithm.)

Review 8: Priority queues: Solutions


The two crucial operations are add to insert a value into the collection, and remove to remove the highest-priority value currently in the collection. (The Priority Queue ADT also includes two useful but less crucial methods: isEmpty to query whether the collection currently holds any values and peek to query what the highest-priority value currently is.)

  • a. add would take O(n) time because to maintain the invariant of ordering, we may have to shift nearly all the elements in the array to make room for the inserted value.

  • b. remove would take O(1) time, because we simply remove the last element of the array. We do not need to do anything with the other n − 1 elements.

    PQueue<String> q = new PQImpl<String>();
    for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) q.add(data[i]);
    for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) data[i] = q.remove();
		if(numElements == 0) throw new NoSuchElementException();

		E min = elements[0];
		int minPos = 0;
		for(int i = 1; i < numElements; i++) {
			E t = elements[i];
			if(t.compareTo(ret) < 0) { min = t; minPos = i; }

		elements[minPos] = elements[numElements];
		return min;
  • The heap must be a full tree. That is, every node above the bottom two levels should have two children, and all the bottom-level leaves should be crowded onto the left side of the level.

  • For each node of the heap, the node's priority should be less than (i.e., be higher-priority than) its children's priorities.

after one removal:
after two removals:
It takes O(log n) time. When we add a value, we can go directly to the value where the new node should go and place the value there; this will take O(1) time. But then we will need to swap the value up until it is more than its parent; each swap takes O(1) time, but we may have to swap as many as O(log n) times because each swap moves the value up one level, and the heap will have 1 + log2 nO(log n) levels.

Array: 26, 31, 45, 36, 61, 51, 47, 37
a.2 * i + 1
b.2 * i + 2
c.(i - 1) / 2

[Some people using heaps choose to place the root element at index 1 rather than 0 as we have done. For them, the answers would be 2 * i, 2 * i + 1, and i / 2. I would grade either set of answers as correct, as long they are consistent with each other.]

Array: 2, 3, 5, 6, 4, 7, 8, 9, empty
Array: 1, 4, 2, 6, 5, 3, 9, 10, 8, 7

Both are O(n log n). In practice, heapsort is slower than quicksort, since it moves values within the heap more often than quicksort does. (Since their big-O bounds are identical, it's only slower by a constant factor.)


Let known be empty.
Let fringe contain the element (Conway, 0) only.
while Mountain Home ∉ known, do:
    Remove city c with smallest distance d from fringe.
    if c ∉ known, then:
        Add (cd) to known.
        for each neighbor b of c, do:
            if b ∉ known, then:
                Let x be distance from c to b.
                Add (bd + x) to fringe.


[There is a tie in choosing between the fourth and fifth edge. The answer reversing the order of these two edges is also correct.]

d + h h town order
52 0 Clinton1.
7438 Mountain View2.
8248 Pindall3.
12741 Conway
9191 Mountain Home4.
14178 Heber Springs
9273 Yellville

Fort Worth
Amarillo [optional]