Review 4: Paths in graphs

Problem R4.1
Recall the breadth-first search algorithm.
def bfs(vertices, source):
for v in vertices: v.dist = INFINITY
source.dist = 0
q = new queue()
while not q.isEmpty():
u = q.remove()
for v in u.neighbors:
if v.dist == INFINITY:
v.dist = u.dist + 1
A graph is said to be bipartite if the vertices can be divided into two groups, and every edge connects one group to another. Assuming we're given a graph where all vertices are reachable from each other, how can we modify our breath-first search code in order to determine whether our graph is bipartite?
The crucial change in the below implementation is the
addition of the elif
and of the two return
lines. (Other changes are to the function parameters and
the addition of the assignment to source
def is_bipartite(vertices):
source = vertices[0]
for v in vertices: v.dist = INFINITY
source.dist = 0
q = new queue()
while not q.isEmpty():
u = q.remove()
for v in u.neighbors:
if v.dist == INFINITY:
v.dist = u.dist + 1
elif v.dist % 2 == u.dist % 2:
return False
return True</b>
(Actually, the elif
condition can be just
“v.dist == u.dist
”, since when BFS
discovers a previously-discovered vertex, the vertex's distance
will either be at the same distance from the source, or it will
be one link farther from the source.)