Problem R2a.1.
Identify two reasons why shared-memory concurrency with locks/semaphores
(as implemented by Java, for instance) is problematic, leading
some to suggest that message-passing concurrency should be preferred.
Shared-memory solutions lead to race conditions and
deadlock, which are difficult to find.
With many processors/cores, giving each core
efficient access to memory is quite challenging, including
complex issues such as cache concurrency; it becomes impractical
beyond, say, 16 cores.
(One even gets into memory models where one thread's code may say to modify
one memory location after another but another thread may see the
second memory location updated before the first.)
Problem R2a.2.
In a message-passing system, threads must often be able to
select between different message categories: For instance, our
Web server has a cache-management thread that sometimes receives
query messages and at other times receives update messages.
In the D programming language, how is a thread written to
process such different categories in different ways?
The receive
function takes a variable number of functions
as parameters, each parameter function corresponding to a
different message category. Each parameter function receives a different
combination of parameter types. The receive
function blocks until
another thread sends a message, whereupon receive
through all the parameter functions to see which one takes
parameters matching the message contents;
then invokes that function.
(In the Web server example, the cache-management thread's
call to receive
includes two functions as parameters — one
corresponding to query messages, the other to update messages.
The functions were distinguished by different parameter types:
The first takes a thread ID and a string (representing the query
filename), while the secondtakes two strings (the filename to
update and the new value to associate with it).)
Problem R2a.3.
Why does D require that any parameter to send
have a
type that is marked as immutable
If we could send non-immutable
values, then we in fact
have a language where programmers could accidentally develop
shared-memory systems. In particular, one thread could pass a memory
pointer to another thread, and the
sending thread could then modify the contents in that memory
which would be visible to the other thread.
Problem R2a.4.
A typical concurrency setup is to have a fixed set of threads who
can process the same varieties of jobs, where one submits a job
to be executed by the next available thread;
in this way, several job instances can be worked on
For example, perhaps we have 10 different threads each capable
of determining whether an integer is prime; when one submits an integer,
the next available of these 10 threads determines its primality.
In English, describe how message-passing concurrency can be used
to provide this functionality. That is, describe what threads
you would need and how messages would be passed between them.
Feel free to describe it in the particular context of primality
We would have 11 threads. The first is the “dispatcher
thread,” to which any job requests are submitted,
while the other 10 are the “worker threads.”
The dispatcher thread maintains a list of ready worker
threads and a list of pending job requests.
- When the dispatcher receives a job request, it checks the
list of ready threads.
If that list isn't empty, it removes one
worker thread from the list and forwards it to that worker thread.
If the list is empty, it adds the request to its
list of pending job requests.
- When a worker thread receives a job request, it executes
the job, it sends the result to the requesting thread, and it
sends a message to the dispatcher notifying it that it is ready
for another job.
- When the dispatcher receives notification that a worker
thread is ready, it checks its list of pending job requests.
If that list isn't empty, it removes one of the pending requests
and sends it to the worker thread.
If the list is empty, it adds the worker thread to its list
of ready threads.
Problem R2a.5.
Complete the following D function so that any thread can send
a message containing its own tid. Usually, there is no response
to such a message, but when the number of
waiting threads reaches threshold
the function should send back a message to
all the accumaleted tids with true
as its message.
To do this, you will want to maintain a list of waiting tids.
You can use an array of type Tid[]
. To add a new item to
the list, you can use the ~=
“waiting ~= new_tid
void barrier(int threshold) {
void barrier(int threshold) {
Tid[] waiting = [];
while (true) {
Tid new_tid = receiveOnly!Tid();
waiting ~= new_tid;
if (waiting.length >= threshold) {
foreach (Tid old_tid : waiting) {
send(old_tid, true);
waiting = [];