The File menu
- New
Opens a new project in a new window. The project will initially be a copy of the currently selected template.
- Open...
Opens an existing file as a project in a new window.
- Close
Closes all windows associated with the currently viewed project.
- Save
Saves the currently viewed project, overwriting what was previously in the file.
- Save As...
Saves the currently viewed project, prompting the user to save into a different file than before.
- Export Image...
Creates image file(s) corresponding to circuits. The configuration dialog box is described below.
- Print...
Sends circuit(s) to a printer. The configuration dialog box is described below.
- Preferences...
Displays the application preferences window. (On Mac OS systems, this will appear in the Logisim menu.)
- Exit
Closes all currently open projects and terminates Logisim. (On Mac OS systems, this will appear as Quit in the Logisim menu.)
Configuring Export
When you select Export Image..., Logisim displays a dialog box with four options.
- Circuits: A list where you can select one or more circuits that should be exported into image files. (Empty circuits are not displayed as options.)
- Image Format: You can create PNG, GIF, and JPEG files. I would recommend PNG files: The GIF format is quite dated, and the JPEG format will introduce artifacts into the image, as the JPEG format is really meant for photographic images.
- Scale Factor: You can scale the images as they are dumped into image files using this slider.
- Printer View: Whether to use "printer view" in exporting the circuits.
After clicking OK, Logisim will display a file selection dialog box. If you have selected one circuit, select the file into which the image should be placed. If you have selected multiple circuits, select a directory where the files should be placed; Logisim will name the images based on the circuits' names (main.png, for example).
Configuring Print
When you choose Print..., Logisim displays a dialog box for configuring what is printed.
- Circuits: A list where you can select one or more circuits to be printed. (Empty circuits are not displayed as options.) Logisim will print one circuit per page. If the circuit is too large for the page, the image will be scaled down to fit.
- Header: Text that should appear centered at the top of
each page. The following substitutions will be made into the text.
%n Name of circuit on page %p Page number %P Total page count %% A single percent sign ('%') - Rotate To Fit: If checked, then Logisim will rotate each circuit by 90 degrees when the circuit is too large to fit onto the page and it does not need to be scaled as small when rotated 90 degrees.
- Printer View: Whether to use "printer view" in printing the circuits.
After clicking OK, Logisim will display the standard page setup dialog box before printing the circuits.
Next: The Edit menu.