Hex Digit Display
Using a seven-segment display, shows the hexadecimal digit corresponding to
the four-bit input. If any of the inputs are not 0/1 (either floating or error),
then the display shows a dash ('-'). A separate one-bit input controls the
display of the decimal point.
- South edge, first from left (input, bit width 4)
- This input is interpreted as an unsigned four-bit number, and the
corresponding hexadecimal digit is displayed. If any of the bits are floating
or error, then a dash ('-') is displayed.
- South edge, second from left (input, bit width 1)
- Controls the decimal point. If this is left unconnected, the decimal point
remains off.
- Color
- The color with which to draw the display segments and decimal point when
they are on.
Poke Tool Behavior
Text Tool Behavior
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