Chapter 22. File I/O

Most real programs must access files at some point. We'll investigate a couple of simple ways to work with files using Java's libraries.

22.1. The char type

But first, we will study the char type, a primitive type built into Java for representing a single character. This is a new primitive type, in addition to the three we've already seen: int, double, and boolean.

A character is any single symbol that might appear in a sentence, such as a letter in the English alphabet (a or A, for example), a single digit (0), a punctuation mark (%), or a letter in some other alphabet (the Hebrew letter aleph ℵ). We can reference any character value in Java by enclosing it in single quotation marks: 'a'.

char letter = 'a';

For beginners, the distinction between char and String can be a little confusing, but with practice it's an easy distinction to make: The char type is for a single character, while the String type represents a sequence of characters (though admittedly the sequence may have just one character). We use single-quotation marks for char values and double-quotation marks for String values.

When we have a variable referencing a char, we can convert it to a String by adding it to the empty String.

String word = "" + letter;

And when we have a variable referencing a String, we can retrieve a single characte from it using its charAt method. This method takes a single int parameter giving the index of the character we want from the String, and it returns that char.

char firstLetter = word.charAt(0);

In Chapter 8 we saw a program that read a line from the user and displayed that line in reverse. It used the substring method to retrieve each individual string, since that is all we had seen. Using the charAt method is easier than substring, though, when we want to retrieve just a single character.

String str = readLine("Type a string to reverse: ");
int toPrint = str.length() - 1;
while(toPrint >= 0) {

Because the char type is a primitive type, Java programs can compare char values using the == operator, as opposed to the String type, which is a class and whose values should be compared using the equals method.

int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
    if(str.charAt(i) == 'r') count++;

22.2. Elementary file manipulation

Java includes a number of classes for reading and writing files. Two of the most elementary are FileReader and FileWriter, both in the package.

FileReader(String filename)

(Constructor) Constructs an object for retrieving characters from the text file named filename, throwing a FileNotFoundException if the file could not be opened. Possible reasons for the exception include an absence of a file with the name, a lack of permission for reading the file, or an attempt to read a directory as if it were a regular file.

int read(char[] buffer)

Attempts to fill buffer with characters from this file, returning the number of characters placed into the buffer or −1 if the file has been exhausted. Each invocation reads the next characters that haven't yet been read. The method may throw an IOException on an error, such as the user unplugging a USB drive while a program is reading a file from it.

void close()

Closes this file. This should always be done after completing each file, since often the number of open files is limited in most systems. The method may throw an IOException.

FileWriter(String filename)

(Constructor) Constructs an object for saving characters into a text file named filename, throwing a IOException if the file could not be opened. If the file already exists, all characters will be deleted and the FileWriter will start writing at the beginning of the file. Possible reasons for the exception include a lack of permission for creating or replacing a file of the indicated name.

void write(char[] bufferint startint len)

Writes len characters from buffer starting from index start of the array. Each invocation writes into the file just after the previously written characters. The method may throw an IOException.

void close()

Closes this file. This should always be done after completing each file, since often the number of open files is limited in most systems. Also, writes will often only be placed into a memory buffer, which doesn't actually get written to disk until the file is closed. The method may throw an IOException.

These are very elementary classes that aren't often very convenient to use, but they can be used for simple operations like copying all the characters in one file into another file, as in Figure 22.1.

Figure 22.1: The FileCopy program.

  1  import acm.program.Program;
  2  import;            import;
  3  import;
  5  public class FileCopy extends Program {
  6      public void run() {
  7          // open input file 'src' and output file 'dst'
  8          FileReader src;
  9          try {
 10              String srcName = readLine("Source file name? ");
 11              src = new FileReader(srcName);
 12          } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
 13              System.out.println("Cannot open source file");
 14              return;
 15          }
 17          FileWriter dst;
 18          try {
 19              String dstName = readLine("Destination file name? ");
 20              dst = new FileWriter(dstName);
 21          } catch(IOException e) {
 22              System.out.println("Cannot open destination file");
 23              return;
 24          }
 26          try {
 27              // repeatedly fill array from 'src' and save into 'dst'
 28              char[] buf = new char[128];
 29              while(true) {
 30                  int n =;
 31                  if(n < 0) break// end of file reached
 32                  dst.write(buf, 0, n);
 33              }
 35              // close files
 36              src.close();
 37              dst.close();
 38          } catch(IOException e) {
 39              System.out.println("I/O error: Copy may be incomplete");
 40          }
 41      }
 42  }

You can see that we have to use several try blocks to deal with all the exceptions that can arise in the process of working with files. These try blocks are required by Java: An IOException is a checked exception, so the Java compiler forces the programmer to deal with the exception somehow.

The core of the FileCopy program is in lines 29 to 33. Here, we repeatedly fill the buffer buf from the source file, letting n be the number of characters placed into the buffer. And then we dump that many characters from buf into the destination file before repeating. Eventually, the FileReader will have exhausted the source file, and so its read method would return −1; at that point, the program breaks out of the loop so that both files can be closed.

22.3. Text file manipulation

In practice, dealing with files using FileReader and FileWriter is often a pain; we often want to process the file as a sequence of strings rather than as a sequence of characters. Two classes Scanner (found in java.util) and PrintWriter (found in are more helpful.

Scanner(Reader source)

(Constructor) Constructs an object for retrieving meaningful chunks of text from the characters given by source.

boolean hasNextLine()

Returns true if there is a line of text in the source file that hasn't yet been returned by this object.

String nextLine()

Returns the next line that hasn't yet been returned from the source file. The character(s) representing the line break at the line's end is not included in the returned line.

void close()

Closes the source file.

PrintWriter(Writer dest)

(Constructor) Constructs an object for placing meaningful chunks of text into dest.

void print(String str)

Writes the characters found in str at the end of the destination file.

void println(String str)

Writes the characters found in str at the end of the destination file, followed by the character(s) representing a line break.

void close()

Closes the destination file.

The FileSearch program of Figure 22.2 illustrates these two classes at work.

Figure 22.2: The FileSearch program.

  1  import acm.program.Program;
  2  import;            import;
  3  import;
  4  import;           import java.util.Scanner;
  6  public class FileSearch extends Program {
  7      public void run() {
  8          // open input file 'src' and output file 'dst'
  9          Scanner src;
 10          try {
 11              String srcName = readLine("Source file name? ");
 12              src = new Scanner(new FileReader(srcName);
 13          } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
 14              System.out.println("Cannot open source file");
 15              return;
 16          }
 18          PrintWriter dst;
 19          try {
 20              String dstName = readLine("Destination file name? ");
 21              dst = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(dstName));
 22          } catch(IOException e) {
 23              System.out.println("Cannot open destination file");
 24              return;
 25          }
 27          // determine what string to search for
 28          String toFind = readLine("What text should we search for? ");
 30          // repeatedly read line from 'src' and, if it contains the
 31          // desired string, save it into 'dst'
 32          while(src.hasNextLine()) {
 33              String line = src.nextLine();
 34              if(line.indexOf(toFind) >= 0) dst.println(line);
 35          }
 37          // close files
 38          src.close();
 39          dst.close();
 40      }
 41  }